Reid Harris



Our TA/Grader will be Jianyang Cheng. He will hold office hours on Wednesdays 3:30 - 4:30 in Regenstein 304.


Homework 1, due Wednesday 1/15/20

Homework 2, due Monday 1/20/20

Homework 3, due Monday 1/27/20

Homework 4, due Monday 2/10/20

Homework 5, due Monday 2/17/20

Homework 6, due Friday 2/21/20

Midterms and Review

Final Exam Solutions


Areas and Volumes by Cross-Sections - 2/3/20

Areas and Volumes by Washer Method - 2/5/20

Areas and Volumes by Shell Method - 2/7/20

Email: reidmharris[at]uchicago[dot]com